The application period for Utah’s big game hunts is approaching and hunters will be able to see proposed permit numbers before applying. “We don’t have the data from the winter big game captures, the previous fall hunt harvest rates, and other big game surveys until March,” shares DWR Wildlife Licensing Coordinator Lindy Varney. “After we receive that data, we put together the permit recommendations for the upcoming fall big game hunting seasons. Last year, due to public request, we approved shifting the application dates from January to March so that hunters will have information about the proposed permit numbers prior to applying. Hunters can access the proposed permit numbers for each hunt unit beginning in April on the Utah Hunt Planner. The final permit numbers will be approved by the Utah Wildlife Board during their public board meeting on May 2nd.” The application period opens on March 21st and runs through April 25th. To be included in the drawing for the hunts, apply online or over the phone by calling the nearest DWR office. The results of the drawing will be released on May 16th, which is earlier than in past years.