Wolves in Moffat County

by | Feb 20, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Wolves have been reported in Moffat County and wildlife officials have reported they
have and will continue to work with concerned livestock producers. Colorado Parks and
Wildlife representative Rachel Gonzales reported to the Coloradoan that wolves have
made broad movements with some moving from Routt to Moffat County. Gonzales
stated, “CPW continues to work with livestock producers to provide conflict-mitigation
techniques, and will continue to conduct outreach/education in areas that are likely to
have wolves.” A special referendum on the 2020 ballot in Colorado passed by a narrow
margin in favor of reintroducing the wolves and the deadline set was by the end of 2023.
In December, 5 wolves from Oregon were released in Colorado’s Grand County. Wildlife
officials expect to reintroduce around 10 wolves per year for up to the next 5 years.

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