Utah Wildlife Board Approves Update Regarding Rewards For Reporting Poachers

by | Jan 10, 2024 | News | 0 comments

During a public meeting Thursday, the Utah Wildlife Board approved updates to the rules that authorize rewards for people who report poachers. State rule currently allows the DWR to issue big game, bear, cougar or turkey permits to people who report poaching incidents involving those species. This is a unique incentive program that is only offered in Utah. “We greatly appreciate the help that we receive from the public in reporting poachers and other illegal wildlife related activity,” shares DWR Law Enforcement Chief Wyatt Bubak. “Reward permits are one way that we demonstrate that gratitude, and they also encourage members of the public to help us fight against wildlife crime in the state.”  

The board voted to approve a few changes to the rule, including: allowing for more protection for reporting parties; accounting for instances where the individual qualifies for multiple permits; removing references to cougar permits since cougar permits are no longer required; considering unlawful take of a trophy animal as a permit-eligible violation;  and requiring the DWR to include the number of poaching rewards issued each year in an annual report. Learn more at www.wildlife.utah.gov

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