2023 Hotel Vernal Haunt Breaks Previous Record Earnings For Charity

by | Nov 17, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

The numbers are in and the Hotel Vernal Haunt has once again broken their record for money raised for local charities. This was the 6th year that a massive volunteer effort turned the Lamplighter Inn into a bonafide haunted house to raise money for local charities. This year’s 10 nights of the fear haunt welcomed 6,794 guests. Over 250 volunteers put in over 8,000 hours with at least 70 volunteers needed to pull off the fear haunt on a single night. The final amounts per charity were announced Thursday evening at the Haunt banquet. First a check in the amount of $3,000 dollars was presented to Uintah County Search and Rescue for their help in providing security on the nights of the haunt. The charity Quintien’s Warriors received a check for $8,000 dollars. The charity hashtagSOS received a check for $14,000 dollars. The charity KLIC-Keeping Love In Communities received a check for $14,000 dollars. And the charity Project Alley received a check for $34,000 dollars. This means the grand total earned during the 2023 Hotel Vernal Haunt was $73,000 dollars, breaking last year’s record by a thousand dollars. The total earned for charities since 2018 when the Hotel Vernal Haunt began is a whopping $351,000 dollars! Well done to the hundreds of people involved in this cause and making the Uintah Basin a great place to live. 

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