USU Uintah Basin Speaker Series Tomorrow Evening

by | Nov 13, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Tomorrow is the monthly USU Uintah Basin Speaker Series and the speaker will be a local well qualified on overcoming fear and challenges, Mr. Sidney Smith. Sidney and his wife Lori have lived in Vernal for the last 13 years and have 4 beautiful children. He is a double amputee, triathlete, outdoorsman, and public speaker. Sid also runs a nonprofit organization that provides outdoor opportunities for people with impairments called Disabled Outdoorsmen. Sid became a double amputee in 2015 and has used his challenges to make life more interesting. Tomorrow’s presentation is a free event open to anyone who wants to attend. Interested parties can go to USU Uintah Basin Vernal Campus room B101 at 7pm or watch the live Aggiecast. The link that can be found on the USU Uintah Basin website.  

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