All Invited To Veterans Day Flag Retirement Ceremony 

by | Nov 3, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The annual Veterans Day Community Flags Retirement Ceremony is happening next week and all are welcome. Panhandle Oilfield Service Company works with community partners to support this event. Panhandle Utah operations manager Dustin Nyberg says flag etiquette is symbolic of showing respect for all the great opportunities that every American is given. Wes Porter, an officer in the Utah Army National Guard, explains that flag etiquette is showing the flag reverence. “We never want to bind it,” shares Porter. “When the flag is raised you’ll never see military personnel or scouts hold it real tight and the reason why is because it represents freedom and the flag should always be free to be waved and to be unfurled.” Porter also explains that the proper way to retire a flag is to burn it. “The reason we burn the flag is it is a reverent way to make sure the flag is no more and send it back to creation,” he shares. “It’s our flag and I think if we can remember that and remember what we stand for, we are going to be able to go in the right direction.” If you have a flag to retire please bring it. There will also be over 300 flags that need to be retired and those in attendance are invited to help. There will be a place to display Veteran’s Memorial Flags and pictures for those interested. The flag retirement ceremony will take place Saturday, November 11th from 11am to 4pm at the Uintah Conference Center. 

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