DWR Seeking Information After Bull Elk Left To Waste In Duchesne County 

by | Oct 25, 2023 | News | 0 comments

DWR conservation officers are seeking information after a bull elk was killed and left to waste in Duchesne County in the month of September. “The bull elk was killed in the Spring Hollow Area south of Highway 191 in Duchesne County sometime around the week of September 20th,” shares the DWR. “Officers responded to the area and discovered the animal less than a mile from the nearest road. The person who shot the elk only took the head, some of the back straps, a hind quarter and part of the second hind quarter. However, the rest of the animal — including the front quarter and tenderloins — was left to waste. The individual also left their trash at the scene. Conservation officers determined the individual used Havalon knives to harvest some of the meat.” It is illegal to allow protected wildlife to be wasted and can result in a class B misdemeanor. If you have information regarding this specific incident, please call the DWR Vernal office at 435-781-9453. A reward may be available for information leading to the successful prosecution of those responsible, and requests for confidentiality are respected.

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