Republican Party Of Uintah County Against Proposed Property Tax Increase

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

The Republican Party of Uintah County has announced their opposition to the property tax increase proposal for Uintah County. The announcement shares the following: The Utah Republican Party Platform states, “TAXATION We accept the necessity for limited taxation in order for government to perform and administer those services which meet essential public needs. However, we recognize that the power to tax is also the power to control, and believe that the best way to control government is to strictly control the amount of taxes imposed on the people. We encourage further simplification of tax systems, the elimination of the estate tax, and broad-based rate reduction where possible.” The Republican Party says the proposed property tax increase is not ‘limited taxation.’ “We don’t need higher taxes,” they share. “We need frugal spending and we need to cut unnecessary things out of the budget. Uintah County residents already pay more than most cities in Utah for gas, food, and other services. A 73% tax increase in difficult economic times will further stifle the local economy and hurts all residents.” The Uintah County Republican Party closed with an invitation to all Uintah County residents to contact the Commissioners and oppose this increase.

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