Duchesne County To Utilize Grant For OHV Trespassing Signage

by | Oct 12, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Duchesne County will utilize grant funding for an OHV Trespassing Signage project. Community Development Assistant Director Mike Gottfredson presented the State of Utah contract and OHVR grant information to the Duchesne County Commission at a recent Commission meeting. The grant is in the amount of just over $13,377 dollars that requires a match from the County. As part of the project 45 signs will be installed on trails or Duchesne County roads that have been approved for OHV use in order to inform users of tribal land boundaries. The sign placement will be along key routes to offer users alternatives to mistakenly trespassing on tribal land. The Commissioners unanimously approved the application for the OHV Grant. 

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