Duchesne County Sex Offender In Jail For Forcible Sodomy Of Minor

by | Oct 6, 2023 | News | 0 comments

A sex offender in Duchesne County is back in jail on new charges of abuse of a minor. According to the Affidavit of Probable Cause, 40-year-old Lamar Elvin Sweat was booked into Duchesne County Jail on 10 counts of Forcible Sodomy of a Minor. The victim is who reported the most recent assaults and on September 28th, dispatch informed the Duchesne County Sheriff’s Office that Sweat was going to turn himself into authorities but wanted to speak with an officer first. Sweat was transported to the Sheriff’s Office for an interview at which time Sweat disclosed details of the alleged abuse that had been occurring with that victim, according to him, for four years. In addition to details of the abuse, Sweat also reported that he had refused to stop the abuse when asked on multiple occasions. Court records show that Sweat’s history as a sex offender goes back decades. In 2003, Sweat accepted a deal and pleaded Guilty to 5 counts of 3rd Degree Felony Sex Abuse of a Child while 12 counts of 1st Degree Felony Sodomy on a Child were Dismissed. Rather than serve his original sentence, Sweat was allowed to serve just 45 days in the Duchesne County Jail, of which he was given credit for previous time served, and then he was placed on probation for 36 months. In 2004, because of repeated violations of his probation, the court terminated his probation and sentenced him to serve his original sentence of up to 5 years at the Utah State Prison. 

In 2010, Sweat was charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. He pleaded Guilty and was sentenced to a term of 1 year in the Duchesne County Jail which was suspended and instead he was placed on 18 months probation and required to serve 90 days in Duchesne County Jail that could be broken into increments. In May of 2023, Sweat filed a motion to reduce his Offense Level which Judge Chiara reviewed and granted. He was brought into custody on the new charges on September 28th, 2023.

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