40 Year Promise Kept With Browns Park Roadway Now Fully Paved

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

September 21st was a historic day 40 years in the making as the paving of Browns Park Roadway in Daggett County was fully complete. The Daggett Post shared the background on this historic day in their latest edition explaining that in the early 1980s, the governors of the states of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado pledged that each state would pave their portion of the Browns Park Roadway. While Daggett County had already started making major improvements to the road, it took until 1995 to extend improvements and pave the road from the Wyoming State line to Red Creek. The Jesse Ewing Canyon realignment and paving was complete in 2008 and then paving to the Colorado State line from Jesse Ewing Canyon took place in 2012. The roadway was paved from Red Creek to the turn off to Three Corners in 2015 leaving the stretch from the turn off to Three Corners to Jesse Ewing Canyon unpaved. Well this year that final stretch of paving finally made it to the top of the project list. The Governor’s promise made in the early 1980s that Browns Park Roadway would be paved from the Wyoming State Line to the Colorado State Line was finally fully kept. Flaming Gorge Road and Transportation District, Daggett County Road Department, Community Impact Board, Utah Joint Highways, and UDOT were each instrumental in the funding and construction of the project.

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