EPA Settlement Ensures Compliance On Uintah & Ouray Indian Reservation

by | Oct 4, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday a settlement with Texas-based XTO Energy Inc. resolving alleged violations of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act’s Underground Injection Control program at three injection wells within the Uintah & Ouray Indian Reservation. The settlement was filed on September 29th and requires the company to pay a civil penalty of over $19,700 dollars for its violations. XTO failed to notify the EPA of the loss of mechanical integrity for one of its wells in Uintah County used for disposal of brine produced from nearby gas production wells that were also operated by XTO. “This settlement demonstrates that EPA takes compliance with the UIC program seriously,” shares Suzanne Bohan, Director of EPA Region 8’s Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division. “As the nation’s drinking water aquifers diminish in quantity, it is increasingly important that regulations to protect aquifers are adhered to, especially in historically disadvantaged communities like those within Indian Reservations.” More information can be found on epa.gov

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