Rabies Confirmed In Bat Found Near North Rock Springs Home

by | Oct 2, 2023 | News | 0 comments

For the first time in 16 years, the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office confirmed a wild bat captured near a home in North Rock Springs that tested positive for rabies. Home owners found the bat in their yard last week before capturing and turning it over to animal control. The bat died naturally in captivity before testing. Authorities say an investigation has revealed no known direct contact between the rabid animal and pets or humans. Rabies is commonly found in bats and skunks in the region. The virus is spread through bites and scratches from an infected animal. While deadly, rabies is preventable through vaccination and post-exposure prophylaxis treatment. “Rabies is not uncommon in wild animals in Wyoming,” shares Sheriff’s Office animal control officer Chris Thomas. “You should avoid handling an animal that is wild or unknown to you…And, remember to keep your livestock and pets current on their vaccinations.”

Phot Credit Sweetwater County Sherriff

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