Duchesne Roosevelt Ranger District Planning Prescribed Burning And Pile Burning

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Prescribed burns are planned to start the last week of September on the Duchesne Roosevelt Ranger District. This year the prescribed fire will cover 300 acres in the Beaver Creek Drainage West of Strawberry Peak. There are also plans to burn the Moon Lake Salvage-Slash Piles as well as slash along East Reservation Ridge. The announcement reminds the public that prescribed fires only occur when a specific set of conditions are met. These conditions include air, soil and vegetation moisture levels, temperatures, wind directions and speeds, smoke dispersal, and expected fire behavior. Fire personnel will ignite the fires using a helicopter and/or hand lighting. Engine, hotshots, and/or hand crews will monitor the fire until it is completely extinguished. Smoke may be visible. Prescribed burning is expected to cause minimal impacts to areas or activities outside of the burn units themselves. The Ashley National Forest fire management personnel plan is dependent on weather and fuel conditions. 

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