DWR Labor Day Weekend Report

by | Sep 7, 2023 | News | 0 comments

As always, the DWR stays busy inspecting and decontaminating watercraft to prevent the spread of invasive quagga mussels. During the 2023 Labor Day weekend, 4,299 inspections were performed, and 133 boats were decontaminated. The Utah Lake dip tank has been very instrumental in helping decontaminate boats in northern Utah since it was installed in May, and completed its 700th decontamination over the Labor Day weekend. It is the second dip tank in Utah, following the Lake Powell dip tank that was installed in May 2021. A third dip tank was recently installed at Sand Hollow State Park and will be open for public use in a few weeks. There are over 40 inspection stations located at various waterbody boat ramps, along highways and at Port of Entry stations throughout Utah, including at the entrance and exit points of the Uintah Basin and boaters in Uintah, Duchesne, and Daggett County are reminded to take the annual quagga mussel awareness course found on www.STDoftheSea.utah.gov

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