On Wednesday evening, the Uintah School Board recognized the contributions of a local woman whose name is said to be “synonymous with the Uintah Schools Foundation”. Kathlene McKeachnie joined the Foundation in 1992 and has been supporting local education for the 31 years since. Since 2002, the Foundation has raised nearly $1.1 million dollars with more than half of the money supporting classroom teachers. The Foundation has also awarded about $125,000 dollars in scholarships to high school seniors as well as funds for other worthy causes. Heidi Bennion, the Foundation’s vice president, praised McKeachnie’s work on behalf of educators and students. “Service with love describes her best,” Bennion said. The District administration expressed their appreciation for Kathlene McKeachnie’s decades of service and commitment to improving education in the community. Her family was in attendance as a show of their love and support.