Representative Moore Continues Sounding Alarm On Nation’s Debt Crisis

by | Jul 14, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Representative Blake Moore joined the formal launch of the Bipartisan Fiscal Forum on Thursday. The Forum is a group dedicated to sounding the alarm about the nation’s unsustainable debt trajectory and their mission is to elevate the debt issue with their colleagues and the public while providing members of Congress with opportunities to improve the fiscal policy debate in Congress. The group began informally in 2020 and since then has engaged in bipartisan collaboration to put forward ideas that address our growing debt and exploding interest costs. “Since my first day in office, I have been laser focused on addressing our ballooning national debt and unsustainable fiscal trajectory,” shares Representative Moore. “As the father of four young boys, I deeply care about our next generation’s fiscal outlook. Washington can no longer accept business as usual when it comes to our federal spending habits. I am grateful to serve as a steering member for the Bipartisan Fiscal Forum and work with my colleagues to create productive solutions to this looming crisis.” 

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