Tune Into ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Executive Producer Interview

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

‘Sound of Freedom’, a film that pulls the veil off the horrific reality of child sex slavery based on real operations to rescue trafficked children, is a hit at the box office and can be seen locally at the Vernal Cinemas. Imagine the surprise for local theater goers last week when Paul Hutchinson, one of the Executive Producers of ‘Sound of Freedom’ who is the real life Paul from the film, was in their showing and could personally attest that the horrors portrayed in the film are real and happening all over the world with American demand fueling the problem. Mr. Hutchinson does not live in Uintah County but does have a tie to the area and happened to be visiting when the film opened. He agreed to visit the Evans Family Media studios to talk about the film, his real life role in the events portrayed, and his take on what average people in the Uintah Basin and across the U.S. can do to fight the growing enterprise of child sex slavery. As portrayed in the movie, Hutchinson was recruited to play the part of the wealthy playboy because as a real life billionaire he could more naturally act the part. Seeing those children rescued changed his life and he has since played a key part in over 70 undercover rescue missions in 15 countries. It was only months ago he stepped out of the undercover role to help share the movie with the world and lead a new approach in fighting the problem through his foundation, the Child Liberation Foundation, which works closely with Operation Underground Railroad, the Nazarene Fund, and Children Need Families. Don’t miss the chance to listen to Paul Hutchinson, while he was visiting Uintah County, talk about the reality of the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world and his belief that a joint rescue effort needs to happen to save children as well as to get adults who were abused as children help before they become offenders. To listen, visit BasinNow.com and click on Public Affairs under the Community tab. 

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