What To Do With Leftover Sand Bags?

by | Jun 15, 2023 | News | 0 comments

It’s better to be over prepared than underprepared which was thankfully the case this year with spring runoff. Measured and mild warming of temperatures allowed most of the melting snow to travel down without causing catastrophe. For those left wondering what to do with the used and unused sandbags, Uintah County Emergency Manager Heidi Lundberg gives the following tips: They can be stored out of the sun and weather and used during our rain events that could possibly happen this summer and fall. They could be saved for next year but note they need to be kept out of the sun and weather or they will rot. If they were not touched by flood water you can empty the bags of sand and use the sand however you want such as in gardens and yards, then throw the bags away. Finally, take them to the dump or you can contact your waste management service and see if the sand bags can be placed in your garbage cans. 

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