More and more girls are getting involved in STEM activities and the Uintah High TSA/Robotics Team is an example of such. Six students with three robots competed over the weekend at the St. George VEX Competition. Elspeth Montague, Lois Lyman, Nataly Rosas, Sharon Rodriguez, Ann John and Alfred Sheffer competed for the Utes. The teams competed well in their independent skills event and found it to be a learning experience. “I really like that I get opportunities I don’t get in regular clubs and classes,” shares Elspeth Montague on her experience as a Robotics Team member. “It’s the perfect mix of challenging and fun. The best part of the St. George trip was meeting people from all over Utah and getting advice from better teams.” The group, plus others that weren’t able to compete in St. George, will travel to Price in February for their next competition.