Donations Appreciated For New Roosevelt Library Furnishings And Equipment

by | Oct 6, 2022 | News | 0 comments

The new Roosevelt City Library has been so grateful for donations made so far. “We have
received $11,000 in donations to assist with the furniture, furnishings, and equipment of
the new library,” shares Duchesne County Library Director Daniel Mauchley. “Much of
which was not covered in the Permanent Community Impact Board’s funding package
that we received and the donations have helped pay a small portion of that uncovered
cost. The donations are greatly appreciated.”

If anyone would still like to donate to this effort, every donation is appreciated. Mauchley also shared that a donor acknowledgement wall will be erected in the new lobby. The names of any donor or company that donated at least $500 will remain on display for at least 10 years.

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