Areas to Test for Chronic Waste Disease in Northeastern Utah

by | Oct 4, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Utah hunters are once again being asked to bring their harvested deer to various stations
across the state so DWR biologists can test the animals for chronic wasting disease. In
northeastern Utah, the DWR will provide free CWD tests for deer harvested from the
North Slope, South Slope (Yellowstone, Vernal, Diamond Mountain) and Nine Mile
Anthro units.

To get your deer tested, visit one of the following locations: Near Strawberry Reservoir at the junction of Highway 40 and the Co-op Creek Road (between mile markers 41 and 42) from October 22nd through the 24th from roughly 9am to dark each day; Just north of Vernal on Highway 191 at the Steinaker Reservoir rest stop (near mile marker 358) from October 22nd through the 23rd from roughly 9am to dark each day; West of Manila on State Route 43 (between mile marker 4 and 3) from October 22nd through the 24th from roughly 9am to dark each day; And finally, the DWR Vernal office, by appointment only, at 318 North Vernal Avenue from October 24th through the 28th
from 8am to 5pm.

Call 453-781-9453 to schedule an appointment. Hunters can also call the DWR Vernal office for a list of taxidermists and meat processors in the area that will also take CWD samples, along with processing the meat or doing taxidermy work.

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