The Uintah County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner held on Saturday at the Uintah Conference Center provided the opportunity to hear from many local and state leaders. It also provided a platform for an impressive local 5th grader who believes in the right and duty to vote. Karen White was the winner of a region-wide essay contest sponsored by the Elk’s Lodge which included all elementary schools from Duchesne and Uintah Counties. Out of over 300 entries from 5th to 8th grade students, Karen was awarded 1st place for her essay titled ‘Why It is Important to Vote.’ The White House Academy student stood at the podium on Saturday and delivered her carefully thought out message. “Voting is a responsibility,” shared Karen. “Free people have work to do. Others do not make all of our decisions for us. We have to think about what this means for us. What others have to say influences what we think, so we need to be careful who we listen to and think about what they are saying. We have to figure out who we want to represent us in the government. It is not a good idea to vote if you do not know who you are voting for.” Karen ended her message by saying that she hopes everyone who is old enough to vote will go vote but that she hopes they will put in the work and time to do it right.
Complete Essay:
“Why It is Important to Vote”
By Karen White, 5th Grade Student at White House Academy
Everyone who is able should vote. Voting is a right we have in the United States of America. It is not just a right; it is also a responsibility.
Voting is a right we have when we live in a free country. We get to help choose who will make our laws. We are blessed to have this right. Our constitutions tells about this right. This makes it the law of the land. I can give up my right to vote by just not doing it.
Voting is a responsibility. Free people have work to do. Others do not make all of our decisions for us. We have to think about what this means for us. What others have to say influences what we think, so we need to be careful who we listen to and think about what they are saying. We have to figure out who we want to represent us in the government. It is not a good idea to vote if you do not know who you are voting for. It’s a lot of work to vote correctly. It is our responsibility to keep our country free.
I plan to vote when I get old enough. I know that I will not just automatically be able to vote correctly just because I turn eighteen. I know that if I start paying attention now, and learning about this great right and responsibility, then I will be able to be a good voter when it is time for me to vote.
I hope that everyone who is old enough to vote will go vote. I hope that they will take it seriously. I hope that they will put in the work and the time to do it right. Voting is a great opportunity.