5 Seasons and Still Going Strong at Vernal Theatre: Live

by | Mar 17, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Vernal Theatre: Live is preparing for their 6th and final show of their 5th season and with restrictions lifting, additional events have been announced. ‘The Sound of Music’ will run April 16th through the 24th as the theatre’s 30th production. Vernal Theatre: Live also announced that this year’s Youth Summer Production will be Seussical Jr! “We cannot wait to bring this incredibly fun show to our stage this summer,”shares their announcement. “This production is for ages 8 to 16 with rehearsals in the month of July.” Finally, Open Mic Night is returning to the theatre on March 20th after a year of pandemic. This is all-acoustic and all-local performers that could include you. It costs $3 to come listen and $2 to sign up to perform. Visit www.vernaltheatre.com for more details.

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