3rd Year’s A Charm For Winners Of Outlaw’s Lost Treasure Hunt 

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Over 230 teams made up of over 1000 total people took to the city streets, country roads, nooks, and public spaces in Uintah County over the weekend in pursuit of some quick cash. In fact, teams participating in the 3rd annual Outlaw’s Lost Treasure Hunt stayed out most the night from Friday to Saturday hoping to be the first to the $10,000 prize. Vernal City Manager Quinn Bennion has been one of the event organizers since its inception and can attest to the planning that goes into each year’s theme, puzzles, and clues. A special example of this was the use of the gigantic trout mural with a constellation background on Highway 40 and 100 East downtown for a puzzle this year. Bennion actually asked the mural artist a year ago to include that type of constellation on the mural specifically to be used in a future puzzle. So who walked away with this year’s outlaw booty? A team that has participated all three years made up of Gage Larsen, his wife Brittany, son Nicholys, mom Jenny Brailsford, sister Abbi Jackson, and sister-in-law Cierra Stubbs. “We didn’t think we were going to solve the puzzles fast enough!” shares Gage. “We were so shocked. These hunts they put on are amazing. Even the years we didn’t win we have had a blast. I get to see people I haven’t seen in a long time running around town. We talk and share clues and just enjoy the weekend.” Gage says the feeling of solving a difficult puzzle is hard to beat. “I solved one of the harder ones at about 3am Friday night and had to contain myself from waking up the whole house,” he shares. “Last year we were part of the foot race at the end and came up short. This year was finally our year!” Congratulations to Gage Larsen, Brittany Larsen, Nicholys Larsen, Jenny Brailsford, Abbi Jackson, and Cierra Stubbs on your big win! And in case you’re curious where that treasure was found, it was hiding up off Taylor Mountain Road. To learn more about this annual event, visit www.OutlawsLostTreasure.com and follow them on Facebook. 

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