This could easily be one of the most important holiday seasons of this generation. Most people agree that 2020 was not a great one, it can also be agreed that the need for hope, happiness, and brotherly kindness is at an all time high. Duchesne County Chamber of Commerce has a beautiful experience to help get the Christmas spirit rolling. The 2020 Enchanted Forest will have an open house for a silent bid on amazing displays, decorations, and baskets. The open house will be at the Crossroads Senior Center from November 17th to the 21st. The hours for the event goes as follows: Tuesday will be 10am to 5pm with Wednesday through Friday being 10am to 7pm, and, finally, on Saturday 10am to 2pm. Please note that there will be NO children’s activities such as Santa’s visit and reading hour, as to comply with the Governor’s Health Order. Masks and social distancing will be required. If there are any questions, contact the Duchesne County Chamber of Commerce at either 435-722-4598 or 435-722-4597.