1st Annual Jolly Jog To Close Out Successful Uintah Recreation Race Season

by | Nov 10, 2023 | News | 0 comments

2024 has been an epic year of races locally thanks to Uintah Recreation. At least 3 new
races were added to their race lineup and program coordinator Amber Hadlock has shared
that this year has seen record numbers of participants and positive feedback. All good
things come to an end, however, and the final race of the season is coming up and it is
another new race added to the lineup. The 1st Annual Jolly Jog is just what it sounds like.
Dress up as Santa Clause and enjoy a 1 mile race from Cobble Rock Park to 500 South
and back again. “This will be a great way to kick off Holly Days,” shares Hadlock and
they want as many Santa Clauses as they can get in this race, whether that’s just a Santa
hat or a full costume. There will be hundreds of dollars in raffle prizes and prizes for Best
Santa Costume in youth and adult divisions. Get registered for this holly jolly activity
taking place during Vernal’s annual Holly Days, at UintahRecreation.org.

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