1st Annual Hunger Project a Success Thanks to Massive JustServe Volunteer Effort

by | Mar 2, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The 1st Annual Hunger Project, an effort to package meals for Uintah Basin community members in need, was a huge success over the weekend at the Uintah Conference Center. The event, organized by JustServe Uintah Basin, packaged over 28,000 meals with the help of a long list of volunteers and by teaming up with ‘Feeding Children Everywhere’, an organization that provides hands on ways to fight hunger. The Uintah High School Student Council, Uintah baseball team, as well as many other community volunteers answered the call to help on Friday and Saturday. “We have had lots of help with Uintah High School students,” shares JustServe local representative and event coordinator Danette Garrard. “Student Marcus Bender made the posters and the Student Council distributed them throughout the school and at a few local businesses.” The students also volunteered at the event, helping and teaching the volunteers how to assemble the meals. The project was made possible through the generosity of local businesses that collectively donated nearly $7,500 dollars. JustServe thanked all who helped with, donated to, and sponsored any aspect of the project, making it a success!

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