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KVEL and KVNU Join Forces For Congressman Moore Town Hall Simulcast

by | Apr 20, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Newstalk KVEL radio in Vernal was part of a simulcast townhall radio event with KVNU in Logan on Monday night in which Utah’s District 1 Congressman Blake Moore answered questions specific to his District, including the Uintah Basin. During the program, Moore explained what efforts are being made to push back against the orders affecting the energy industry. Moore stated that it is easy to demonize the oil and gas industry all while utilizing the energy industry in millions of ways in our everyday life. “We can’t get in this mode of just thinking we can solve everything by a moratorium and then say let’s get carbon neutral by ‘X’ date and not put a plan in place,” stated Rep. Moore. He went on to explain how frustrating it is to see that happening right now and that the reality is when he comes to the Uintah Basin and visits mining, oil, and gas companies the first person he meets is those in charge of keeping up with environmental standards. He says they do an amazing job of staying ahead of regulations and reducing the carbon footprint. Moore is advocating for setting real goals while meeting our energy needs with the resources available without having to turn to foreign countries to meet America’s energy needs. To listen to the entire radio townhall with Representative Blake Moore, click here:

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