Kinkaid Voice of Reason

by | Aug 1, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Many are calling Moffat County Commissioner John Kinkaid the voice of reason on hot
button topics in the national political arena. Most recently, the Washington Times
featured Commissioner Kinkaid’s response to President Obama’s announcement that a
Chicago lakefront park will be bulldozed in order to build his presidential library. Critics
nationwide are pointing to the plan as an example of hypocrisy as Obama is known for
blocking development around the country in the name of protecting the environment. The
Washington Post chose to feature Commissioner Kinkaid’s response as representative of
the public outcry. “Apparently, Obama is a radical environmentalist, until it is
inconvenient or applies to him,” shared Kinkaid. “He has used the EPA to pound down
good­paying American jobs for almost eight years.” Obama’s plan for the $550 million
dollar presidential library is scheduled to be completed by 2021.


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