Let's talk for a minute about biostimulants. . .

by | Jul 28, 2022 | Allred's Yard and Garden Gardening Tips | 0 comments

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Biostimulants are not actually a fertilizer, even though their formula contains a small amount. Biostimulants are to plants what vitamins are to people- they help the plant to perform to its absolute potential, utilizing the fertilizer you do give it far more effectively. Using a biostimulant will reward you with plants that are larger, greener, more productive and dramatically more beautiful. Blossoms are bigger, more abundant and deeper in color. Biostimulants will help your plant to grow far ahead of schedule- flowers bloom more quickly, vegetables produce sooner and more heavily, and trees and shrubs can attain several years growth in just one season. Plants that seem to be breathing their last can many times be revived with the use of Biostimulants. Bioburst Root and Soil Biostimulant is applied to the soil around a plant, once at planting time, and then several more times during the season. Bioburst Root and Soil helps the plant to develop a deep, effective root system that is disease and insect resistant. It also attracts beneficial soil micro-organisms to the soil. The difference between barren ground and rich, fertile loam is the amount of micro-organisms active in the soil. Bioburst Root and Soil dramatically increases the biological activity in the soil, which means that your plants will thrive in soil that used to be barely adequate to sustain life. Adding organic material to your soil, such as peat moss, dead grass, old leaves or hay, or bark compost products, before you plant will also greatly enhance the soil’s value. Bioburst Foliar is a biostimulant that is sprayed onto the leaves of the plant is used once the plant is well established. Bioburst Foliar has the same wonderful properties as Bioburst Root and Soil, but is particularly effective in deepening bloom color, and increasing bloom size and number. It is also very effective on vegetables. Bioburst Foliar should be applied in the early morning or early evening when the temperatures are cooler. Applying a liquid fertilizer just before the Bioburst Foliar will really give spectacular results, as it helps the plant to break down and use the fertilizer at a much more effective rate.

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